Register Your Business Online - Learn How and What it Required


How to register your business online

Registering your Business is made easy through the online process, before your business will start operating, it should be registered with the state and local agencies, and a business name and employee identification number should be obtained before your business will be registered.

 Online business registration in Nigeria is done through the" COOPERATIVE AFFAIR COMMISSION ONLINE PORTAL", not going through a lawyer or a chartered accountant, or an agent as before, having a laptop or desktop with an internet connection your registration is made easy.

As we proceed in the article, we will see other things which are needed like a MasterCard to enable you to pay for the charges involved, some think it not a good idea to register a business because it might be a small business but registering it helps the business to appear, official in eyes of the government and also enable your personal and business assets to be legal and secure.

 Registration instructions vary from state to state do well to check the local regulation for the specific state you leave in.

 Tasks Involve During your Online Business Registration

  • Create an Account.
  • Login to your created Account.
  • Conduct an Availability Search.
  • Register your Business Online.
  • Download the stamp Document.

Steps to Follow in Registering your Business:

1. Location: Finding a location for your business is very vital even if your business is online you need to specify a location where the government can send your document to you, when considering the location of your business there are things you need to take into consideration, like the cost of the place and text.

2. Finding a name Business name: it is important that you start with finding a fitting name for your business before you start the registration, it is very vital that you come up with a memorable name for your business that will be related to your niche or what you venture in, be strategic in selecting your business name, Do you think that the name of your business is future-proof? Will it stand the test of time? these are things to consider while choosing a business name.

3. The business name registration: your business name should be registered to prevent other businesses from making use of the name, registering your business name is part of the registration process through the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY(LLC) or CO OPERATION, in some states you need to file a DBA, registration with the state agency in charge it is usually" the Secretary of the State."

4. To Register with State and Local Agencies: there are some agencies that you need to register
 your business name separately and each agency has its own requirements, so you need to check on their requirements to enable you to register your business name. those agencies are:

  •  The secretary of the state.
  •  Franchise Tax Board.
  •  Department of Revenue.
  •  Better Business Bureau.

5. Registration with Internal Revenue Service: Registering Your Business with the Internal Revenue Service helps you to get an employee identification number, employer identification number is very important in other to get a security number for your business, it will help in filling out taxes hiring employees, and also opening a business account.

6. Applying for Business Licenses and Permits: Business permit and licenses is very important to run your business both small and big business to avoid any issues or problem that might come immediately or in the future, note that license and business permits vary in the state.

7. Opening a Business Account: while registering your business an account with the business name that you chose is needed this will give you a clearer view of the profit or the amount of money your business is costing each month, what you have made in your business, it will make your e-commerce business more professional.

Benefits of registering your business

  • Having legal liability protection.
  • Avoid having issues with the government.
  • Establish credibility with customers and supplies.
  • Identity recognition.
  • Lone grants from banks.
  • Attract business and funding support.
  • Business trip opportunities.

 conclusion: Yes, registering your business is very vital online it helps your business to be recognized by the government and other business agencies. this step mentioned above can help you to do so, your questions are highly welcome pls use the comment box below
